Eye Tracking Laboratory

University of Pavia


B1 - The Introductory Page and the Summary Page for hierarchical courses          

Issue Definition

While dealing with technical topics where only textual information is provided or whenever the course is hierarchically highly structured with several nested levels of in-depths, it could be very useful to provide users with introductory pages where new structured topics are presented. This function can be compared to the purpose of a paper’s abstract. Summary pages usefulness relies on the opportunity provided to the user of reviewing course and own learning progresses. Brevity, precision and effectiveness are highly devisable features in both cases.

Guideline Text

1. The exact positioning of the Introductory Page in the courseware should be justified by actual learning needs:
1.a - The Introductory Page should really represent a node in the course hierarchical tree;
1.b - It should represent and summarise a significant part of the course depending on it;
1.c - The Introductory Page should represent a node where the course shows a clear turning point in the learning process.

2. The title of the Page should clearly reflect the summarised course content.

3. The Introductory and Summary Pages should have the same layout and content format:
3.a It is advisable that Introductory Page and Summary Page content should resemble the standard Lesson Page content in terms of position, indentation, format as much as possible. Although some of these features may vary, a general pattern should be followed;
3.b It should be better not to change the position of elements.

4. The Introductory Page textual content should clearly summarise the part of the course depending on it:
4.a All the topics referred to should be included;
4.b Role and relevance of current course section in the overall course framework should be explained;
4.c The Introductory Page can include the part of Course Plan referring to.

5. The Summary Page textual content should clearly and concisely recap the part of the course it is stemming from.

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